Arrival Procedures
Walkers/Bikers (please lock your bikes!) arrive at school between 7:45-8:00am. Once students arrive in the yard, they are to enter the school through their designated door . A door attendant will sanitize their hands upon entry. If there is a lineup at the door, students will stand on a dot on the pavement near the door as instructed by the attendant. Once inside the school, there will be ample staff guiding students towards their homeroom. It would be helpful if they can remember their homeroom teacher’s name, however, if they forget, we will be there to help them out.
Students arriving by bus will be guided into the school by the duty staff and will enter via the main entrance (see map: Bussers Entrance). Please check the OSTA website on a regular basis for bus delays or cancellations:
Bus Delays
Bus Cancellations
Morning EDP Students will be escorted by their EDP staff to the appropriate entry point to start their day.
Kinder students: They will go to Kinder playground upon arrival. Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) will welcome children at the front and back playground gates. You may choose whichever gate suits your arrival routine best.
Parking lot: The parking lot remains closed at arrival and dismissal times (between 7:45-8:15am and 2:00-2:45pm) until further notice. Students and/or families requiring accommodations to use the parking lot at arrival and dismissal times may contact the principal at The parking lot is available during the day time if picking up and dropping off your child during the school day due to appointments etc.
Families dropping and picking up their students for and from EDP (Extended Day Program) may use the parking lot during EDP hours only.
Walkers/Bikers will be dismissed to their families in the areas identified on the map. You are welcome to arrive at 2:20 and no later than 2:30pm. If you are driving, please plan ample time to arrive at your designated zone due to parking restrictions. Please wear a mask while on school grounds and complete the COVID self assessment prior to arriving on school property. If your student is walking/biking on their own without adult supervision, please make sure that this is well communicated with your child and their teachers ahead of time.
Bussers will be escorted to their designated bus by our duty staff.
Afternoon EDP students will be escorted to their designated area by school/EDP staff.
Dismissal Procedures
Walkers/Bikers will be dismissed to their families in the areas identified. You are welcome to arrive at 2:20 and no later than 2:30pm. If you are driving, please plan ample time to arrive at your designated zone due to parking restrictions. Please wear a mask while on school grounds and complete the COVID self assessment prior to arriving on school property. If your student is walking/biking on their own without adult supervision, please make sure that this is well communicated with your child and their teachers ahead of time.
Bussers will be escorted to their designated bus by our duty staff.
Afternoon EDP students will be escorted to their designated area by school/EDP staff.