About Us

picture of the front of knoxdale public school

Quick Facts

  • Our school welcomes approximately 630 students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 each year.
  • We offer full-day Bilingual Kindergarten, Early French Immersion, and Middle French Immersion.
  • After completing grade 6, most students attend Sir Robert Borden High School.

Our Mission Statement

At Knoxdale we have a culture of high expectations where we encourage children to take risks, challenge themselves and achieve their personal best in all that they do. We are committed to preparing children for success outside of school. “Volez les aigles!”


Interested in registering your child at our school? Contact us or visit the OCDSB Registration page for more information.

About Our School

Knoxdale Public School is a French Immersion Centre located in a well-established community in Ottawa’s west end. The school is situated on a large property adjacent to serviced parkland which offers our students access to soccer pitches, tennis courts and a community rink. We are proud to offer English/French Kindergarten, Early French Immersion to Grade 6, Middle French Immersion (Grades 4 to 6) and a Specialized Gifted French Immersion program (Grades 5/6). At Knoxdale, staff, students and parents work together toward common goals – academic excellence, social and emotional development, and positive attitudes.


Knoxdale’s student community represents diverse cultures and languages, with incredible school spirit and pride. They are well behaved and demonstrate the character traits required for a safe, caring and positive learning environment. Knoxdale students realize that they are part of a larger community and that their efforts do make a difference. Our students are encouraged to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens. 

Student leadership as demonstrated through sports, academic achievement and social excellence, is a cornerstone of our school. Our students:

  • Are concerned about the environment and the world around them. 
  • Take a lead role in promoting awareness of a variety of global, political and climate issues. 
  • Are active organizers in special event planning and charity initiatives throughout the year. 
  • Have initiated a ‘Pennies for Burma’ drive and a ‘Charity Tree for China’ campaign for the Red Cross where they raised thousands of dollars for each cause. 
  • Raise funds for the Terry Fox Foundation (community walk for Terry), the Heart and Stroke Foundation (Jump Rope for Heart), Child Haven, and FAMSAC (food and snowsuit drive).


Knoxdale Public School proudly boasts a dedicated and hardworking team who work closely with one another and with the parent community to offer a rich and well-rounded learning environment for the students. The staff is highly dedicated to the pursuit of personal and professional growth opportunities. They model a professional learning community through co-operative learning and team building. Our team is committed to supporting every child in reaching their full potential.

Staff has initiated numerous clubs and programs designed to increase student engagement, to promote greater achievement and to promote healthy active living. Knoxdale staff is enthusiastically involved in extra-curricular activities for all our students and provide leadership both within the Board and the community.

Parents/Guardians and Community

Knoxdale P.S. serves several well-established communities. These include Craig Henry (partial), Briargreen, Qualicum, Graham Park, Leslie Park, Trend Arlington, and Cedarhill/Orchard Estates, Estates of Arlington Woods and Valley Stream. 

Parental involvement in our school is extensive and includes reading to children, preparing learning materials and assisting with field trips. Parents fundraise extensively to provide resources and programs to support and enhance the curriculum. The Knoxdale School Council works closely with teachers and administration in the pursuit of excellence for our students.

We offer the following academic programs:

  • Full-day Bilingual Kindergarten (JK-SK): 50% English instruction and 50% French instruction.
  • Early French Immersion (Grades 1-6): In grade 1, students receive 80% of instruction in French. In grades 2-6, students receive 60% of instruction in French. 
  • Middle French Immersion (Grades 4-6): In grades 4-6, students receive 66% of instruction in French. 

Special Education and ESL Programs

Students with specialized learning needs and English language learners are supported by:

  • A Learning Support Teacher and Learning Resource Teacher who collaborate with the teaching staff to support our students with special needs through the integrated model. 
  • Educational Assistants who provide support for students in the classroom.
  • A Specialized Gifted Early French Immersion program at the grades 5/6 level. 
  • Access to the itinerant ESL teacher who provides assistance and support to staff and students. 
  • Access to the following special services: a school Social Worker, a School Psychologist, a Speech and Language Pathologist, and a Learning Support Consultant.


Knoxdale is a vibrant learning community that encourages student growth, success and mental well-being through the various extra-curricular activities provided throughout the school year. Each of these teams/clubs/committees provide students with an opportunity to actively participate in the school community as well develop important learning skills such as responsibility, collaboration, initiative, self-regulation, leadership, etc.

Our school offers:

  • A well-equipped library with an extensive French and English collection
  • Access to computer technology in every classroom (i.e. laptops/Chromebooks, Projectors and iPads)
  • An up-to-date technology, media carts with projection capability, and a smart board.
  • A community tennis court behind our school that we have access to in the spring and fall seasons
  • A Literacy room with leveled reading books and resources in French and English
  • A well-stocked Math and Science Resource Room
  • A beautiful Nature Centre
  • A community skating rink adjacent to our schoolyard that is well used in the winter months

Our multicultural students find a safe, stimulating environment where an atmosphere of mutual respect for all cultures in Canada is cultivated. We strive to ensure that our school is a welcoming and safe place for students of all identities to feel valued and respected as they engage, learn, grow, explore, and discover.

A strong commitment to Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility is embedded throughout the OCDSB's 2023-2027 Strategic Plan and captured within each area of focus: learning, well-being, and social responsibility. 

For more information, please visit the OCDSB’s Equity and Diversity website.

Community Child Care Provider: Children's Village of Ottawa-Carleton

The OCDSB has developed and entered into partnerships at a number of elementary schools with Community Child Care Partners. Our Community Child Care Partners are regulated by the Ministry of Education, and licensed under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014. These programs offer a fee-based childcare service.

For information regarding child care options at our school, please visit the Children’s Village at Knoxdale: a licensed toddler and preschool program operating in our school.